Time flies
I can't believe it. Tomorrow is my last day of work before my surgery. The date I never thought would get here, is upon us! My husband said he would be home tomorrow. Then we will drive up to concord on Sunday morning. Since he is coming home a day early I might talk to him about leaving a day early. I have to start prep on 1pm on Sunday. I am not nervious yet. I think

WOOHOO!! Now is the time to be getting excited, NOT nervous
The morning of my surgery, my husband could not believe how calm I was!
It was almost scary for someone to be so calm before such a big event..LOL
But I was!! Best of luck to you and Have a safe trip up there!!
Best wishes for a safe & Speedy recovery!! JAMI

Do you have an angel to keep the board informed about your surgery?
It's completely natural to be nervous.. I wasn't nervous until they were sticking me for blood work in the pre-op area. I'm not lying when I say my feet touched the floor and I was ready to be out of there. I can't remember what got me back on the guerney.. but I'm glad whatever it was happened.
So while you aren't nervous yet.. don't worry if you do become so :-)
And we'll be waiting for you on the other side.